Recently in my life
I haven’t posted anything here for a while: second year PhD syndrome has finally kicked in with a heavier work load. Hopefully this should ease a little towards and around easter. “But what am I doing”, I hear you cry?
In brief, I’ve been doing a lot of stuff on Ophthalmosaurus especially; visiting Peterborough Museum and extending my description etc. I’ve also looked at using morphometrics to quantify the disparity in this genus, Brachypterygius and others—I even have a poster on that to present today, although this is preliminary work.

Elsewhere, my time has been taken up with completing my phylogeny character list and playing in several concerts. On this topic: I’m excited to say that I’ll be playing tuba in Mahler’s Eighth Symphony, the ‘Symphony of a Thousand, in two weeks, probably the largest piece I’ll ever play.
So this is a brief catch-up, just to let you know that I haven’t forgotten you. Plans are afoot and gaining momentum. Until next time.
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